The Dayboro Medical Centre has a wonderful team of professionals who work closely together to provide health care of a high standard to the community. Our aim is to provide prompt, reliable and high quality health care for all ages. We believe we have one of the strongest primary health care teams in Brisbane. We are committed to a holistic patient centered care model where the patient, not the health system, is the centre and of the upmost priority. We work closely with our local pharmacy, physiotherapist and podiatrist and refer to the most reputable specialists to ensure quality and continuity of patient care is maintained.
General Practitioners
Dr Ben Davari
Dr Maria Landagan
Dr Hooman Farsad
Dr Astra Bellette
Nursing Team
Jenna RN
Jodie EEN
Administration Team
Jodie 2IC
Allied Health
Mille Darvell (Psychologist)
Merryl Reville (Psychologist)
Lee McGlynn (Psychologist)
Priya Jungic (Psychologist)
Adam Siddle (Chiropractor)
Pathology - QML Pathology operate Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm. No appointment necessary, just walk in and take a number. All forms accepted.
General Practice
Child health & childhood vaccinations
Women's health
Men's health
Travel Health
Skin Checks & Minor Procedures
Mental Health
Chronic Disease Management
Health Assessments
Visiting Allied Health - Psychology, Dietetics and Chiropractic. ·
Cosmetic Injectables including Anti Winkle and dermal Fillers
Pathology - QML Pathology operate Monday to Friday 8am – 1pm. No appointment necessary, just walk in and take a number.
Our consultation fees are as follows:
Attendance type / Clinic Fee / MBS rebate / Out of Pocket
Standard consultation: $99.85 / $42.85 / $57.00
Long consultation: $139.90 / $82.90 / $57.00
Urgent after hours consult at clinic: outside 11pm and 7am: $342.90 / $147.90 / $195.00
Urgent after hours consult at clinic: between 11pm and 7am: $524.30 / $174.30 / $350.00
Home Visit (daytime weekdays): $222.90 / $112.90/ $110.00
With this in mind, we will be offering the following concessions:
1. We will continue to bulk bill consultations for the following card holders during weekday hours at the clinic:
a. DVA card
b. Healthcare card
c. Pension card
d. Children under the age of 16 years
2. We have introduced a, “safety net” to help protect and ensure certainty and affordability for our regular local patients. Every local patient will be bulk billed for consultations for the remainder of the year following their 7th privately billed consultation. This will reset each year.
The following services will continue to be privately billed irrespective of any concessions:
1. Medical certificates
2. Insurance work
3. Medico-legal work
4. Excisions & Minor Procedures
After hours consultations are available for urgent matters. To organise an after hours consultation, please call the practice number on 3425 1427 and listen to our after hours message
Home visits are available at the discretion of the treating practitioner
Our practice's policy for communication with patients is via telephone only. We do not communicate with patients via email or social media. If you require assistance please call reception on (07) 3425 1427
We take your compliments, concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.
If at any time you experience problems or difficulties with regards to this practice, please talk to your doctor or our Practice Manager about your concerns.
If we are unable to resolve the issue, you can contact The Office of the Health Ombudsman on 133 646
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the Australian Privacy Principles available at www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.html. A copy of our full Privacy Policy is available at reception.
The focus of Dayboro Medical Centre has always been that our health professionals provide locals with patient-centered care. We take our responsibility seriously, as the longest established medical centre in town, to continue to provide affordable care for all.
Our doors are always open to the sick and injured, regardless of billing arrangements. So if you have an urgent problem, please do not hesitate to contact our team who will happily help you and your family with the best care available.
Yours sincerely,
The Dayboro Medical Centre Team
Patient Centered Care since 1977
7 McKenzie Street
Dayboro, QLD, 4521
Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm
Onsite Parking and wheelchair access